
Signposts Up Ahead

Signposts Up Ahead (series in progress)

“The freedom of the open road is seductive, serendipitous and absolutely liberating.” - Aaron Lauritsen

 Signposts Up Ahead is one of the first photographic mystery/romance series developed through an experimental use of narrative photomontage, digital distortion, appropriation and cinematographic movie techniques. The series is presented in a modular narrative framework – no matter where the images are placed within the series — this is a story about two lovers travelling.

Two young protagonists set off, as driver and passenger of their destiny. The journey cruises highways, winds through mountains and balances on the edge of both profundity and the mundane. These two characters travel to unfamiliar places and encounter strangers. It’s a journey of discovery as they move through experiences in search of meaning. Signposts Up Ahead is where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, where imagination bends the truth and uncertainty becomes illuminating. 

 Rather than a sequential order of planned events, each scene may be placed anywhere to emphasise a sense of randomness, like a turn off the beaten track. We’re reminded to live this adventure more openly with a sense of intrigue and acceptance. It’s a time of awareness, compassion and change.

 The title of this series applies to both the metaphorical meaning of signposts – as clues to a mystery – and to the literal reference of a marker that guides the traveller onward. The road to greater understanding may be as glaring as a street lamp, or as subtle as a lover’s glance. But everything that happens along the way is relevant, and revealing.